Monday, November 18, 2013

Reading Challenge: Red Hat Society's Acting Their Age

Title: The Red Hat Society's Acting Their Age
Author: Regina Hale Sutherland

 The Red Hat books have been loosely on my want to read list for a long time. They always sounded like fun, and when I needed a "red" book to fit the color-coded challenge, the title popped up again and I jumped at the chance to finally dive in. It's an easy to read, fun story about three women who have shared their lives, from the turbulent teenage years, to Mia's all to recent loss of her husband. When the women discover Rachel, a run-away foster child, holed up in the store room of Mia's coffee shop, their world is turned upside down as they try to keep Rachel's secrets in a one horse town. This spunky, broken, and desperate fourteen year old helps these three beautiful women find their inner youth, and deal with love and loss, as they begin to truly live again. Mia and Cade, the town's sheriff, struggle with a fledgling relationship, and like any good romance, there is a fairytale ending.

Reading Challenges:

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